You should write a book…
The funny thing is I have the chapter outline for one of my novels and the plot done. All it takes is courage to start writing. Haven’t found it yet…
Speaking truth, the written word & some sarcasm. Not available in stores…
The funny thing is I have the chapter outline for one of my novels and the plot done. All it takes is courage to start writing. Haven’t found it yet…
My mom I think invented the greatest birthing theory in the world. It’s called the Theme Park Theory. It says for every child that you have …
The Views of the Blog Instant Tragedy : Just Add Water are those of the participants and may not necessarily be those of the Donahue Family, NextMedia, Rock 101 or a sane person. They may be those of a sick midget wandering the desert looking for water. Any rebroadcast, reposting of any material on […]
Take a ride with me as I examine the business of Radio!